Very Eminent Grand Commander James B. Steele was born on September 22, 1960 in Hagerstown, MD, which is located on the Mason-Dixon line.  His mother always told him he could go either way.  He is the son of the late Roy Sanford Steele and Lillian Katherine Biggs Steele.  He moved to Wilmington, NC in 1968 where he has spent the majority of his life.  He attended New Hanover High School.  James began his career in the electrical business in 1978 and became an electrical contactor in 1983.  Currently he is the President of Steele Electrical Contractors, LLC located in Castle Hayne, NC and is licensed in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.  James and his wife, Shirley were married on December 21, 1996.  They have four children: three daughters, a son and a son-in-law.  The Steele Family has attended Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church since 1989 where James has served as usher and chair on various committees.  He currently serves as the Chair for the Trustees.

     James' hobbies and interests include rasing wild waterfowl, antique cars and model trains.  He is also a collector of petroleum memorabilia.  He is a life member of the International Wild Waterfowl Association, member of the Carolinas/Virginia Phesant & Waterfowl Society and the American Phasant and Waterfowl Society.  He is also a member of the Antique Automotive Club of America and the Model T Ford Club International, Inc.  James also enjoys collecting gem stones, rocks and photography in his spare time.  

Very Eminent Grand Commander James B. Steele

Commander Steele Masonic Resume